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Urban Art and Street Art: What’s the Difference?

    Urban art and street art are often used interchangeably, but they possess distinct characteristics and origins. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating world of urban art and street art, delving into their definitions, aesthetics, and cultural significance. We will also examine how these art forms have evolved within the realm of contemporary art. Whether you’re an art enthusiast or simply curious about the vibrant expressions found in city streets, this article will provide a comprehensive understanding of the differences between urban art and street art. Defining Urban Urban art encompasses a wide range of artistic expressions that emerge from urban environments, such as cities and towns. It encapsulates various forms of creative works, including graffiti, murals, stencils, posters, and installations. Urban art often serves as a means of artistic expression, social commentary, and cultural representation within the urban landscape. To delve de

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